OET Exam: A Comprehensive Guide for Healthcare Professionals in Kerala

OET is a widely recognized English language test designed to set global healthcare communication standards. The Occupational English Test or OET is a healthcare-specific language test for assessing the English language proficiency of healthcare providers. This is not a generalized test used for general immigration purposes like IELTS or TOEFL. The OET test modules are designed exclusively to prepare professionals for effective communication in the healthcare setting. 

OET Exam aspirant

Key Highlights

Occupational English Test- An Overview

Professor Tim McNamara along with NOOSR (National Office for Overseas Skills Recognition) in Australia introduced OET in 1980. The Language Testing Research Centre at the University of Melbourne has contributed significantly to the research and development of this language assessment test. The continuous review and modifications made by LTRC ensured that the test was in line with the occupational language requirements of the healthcare sector. The Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment Unit Trust(CBLA) has owned OET since 2013. CBLA is a joint venture of the University of Cambridge and the Boxhill Institute, a higher education provider in Australia.  

The Healthcare Professions Covered Under OET

International health practitioners who wish to practice in an English-speaking environment can take the OET exam. This English Language test consists of 4 modules which include Listening, Reading, Speaking, and Writing. The listening and reading module assesses the English language proficiency in handling general healthcare topics. Speaking and writing modules are specific to 12 professions within healthcare. The 12 healthcare professions covered under OET are given below:

Dentistry Pharmacy
Dietetics Physiotherapy
Medicine Podiatry
Nursing Radiography
Occupational Therapy Speech Pathology
Optometry Veterinary Science

The Occupational English Test differs from normal language proficiency tests as it covers the language requirements needed to handle topics in the global healthcare sector. This exam is the most preferred occupational language test for healthcare professionals in Kerala. It enhances the language skills needed to flourish in your healthcare career overseas.  Moreover, the OET exam is recognized and trusted by healthcare institutions all over the world. The exam tests your English proficiency in communicating in a real healthcare workplace.

Language Test for Healthcare Communication

The Occupational English Test differs from normal language proficiency tests as it covers the language requirements needed to handle topics in the global healthcare sector. This exam is the most preferred occupational language test for healthcare professionals in Kerala. It enhances the language skills needed to flourish in your healthcare career overseas. Moreover, the OET exam is recognized and trusted by healthcare institutions all over the world. The exam tests your English proficiency in communicating in a real healthcare workplace. To excel, it is beneficial to practice regularly with OET listening practice tests, which mimic the actual exam format and content, helping candidates familiarize themselves with the test’s demands.

Why do Healthcare Professionals Need OET Training?

Healthcare professionals in Kerala who wish to practice or do higher studies abroad need to attain relevant scores in the OET exam. This English occupational language test is recognized and accepted by governments, healthcare regulators, employers, and educators worldwide. If you want to achieve the best results, consider training at the best OET coaching centre in Kerala, where experienced instructors can guide you effectively.

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Effective communication for quality healthcare

OET training and exams help medical practitioners bridge the language barriers in healthcare settings. Limited English language proficiency may impact various aspects of medical practice which can adversely affect the quality of care.

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Language Proficiency for Right Diagnosis

Limited language proficiency can lead to persistent barriers to communication. It can lead to diagnostic errors, complicate interventions, prompt inadequate or excessive testing, etc. The Occupational English Test measures healthcare provider's language abilities across the skills of listening, reading, writing, and speaking especially in healthcare settings. This can greatly reduce errors due to miscommunication.

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Makes you workplace-ready

An OET exam ensures that you have the right level of English fluency to communicate effectively in the workplace and deliver safe and quality healthcare.

Eligibility Criteria For OET Exam 2025

Candidates satisfying the eligibility guidelines can easily register for the OET test. The Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment authority has not specified any age limit to apply for the OET exam. Candidates must have a relevant educational qualification like a medical degree, or nursing degree, or be qualified to practice any of the 12 healthcare professions accepted by OET. The most common doubt asked by many candidates is ‘In which country is OET accepted?’ The test is accepted and recognized by the most popular destinations abroad. The countries that accept OET test scores are given below:

Exam Pattern

As mentioned earlier, the Occupational English Test conducted by CBLA has 4 sub-modules: OET Listening, OET Reading, OET Writing, and OET Speaking test. The entire test will take approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes. 

Listening Test

The listening test is divided into three parts and takes around 40 minutes to complete.

Reading Test

Approximately 60 minutes is required to complete the reading test. It assesses the candidate's reading skills through different types of questions.

Writing Test

A 45-minute time is given for this test; the initial five minutes is for reading the case notes or instructions and 40 minutes for writing.

Speaking Test

Around 20 minutes is given for the speaking test where the candidate will be given profession-specific role-play tasks.

Modes of Exam

Candidates can choose any of the three OET examination modes based on their convenience. The OET test format and timing are the same for all three types, only the delivery mode is different. The three OET exam delivery modes are:

  • Paper-based OET Test: You will have to be at the exam center and attend the paper-based test. All four subtests will be conducted at the test center. The candidates should book their test 24 days before the exam date and the exam results will be out after 17 days. 
  • Computer-based OET Test: The computer-based test is also conducted at an exam center. Instead of writing the candidates will have to type their answers. In this OET exam mode, the Listening, Reading, and Writing subtests will be conducted at the exam center. The candidates can attend the speaking subtest at a location of their choice. You should book for the computer-based test 7 days before the exam date and the results will be announced after 10 days. 
  • OET at Home: OET@home is the latest exam delivery mode where candidates can attend the test from the comfort of their homes. You cannot attend the OET test from a phone or tablet and the computer used for the test should meet a set of criteria. Candidates can book the test before 7 days and the results will be out in 10 days.

How To Apply For the OET Exam?

  • Step 1: Choose your preferred test location: You can search for your country and preferred city on the official website oet.com and click on find a test. You can select a venue closest to your location and choose the preferred test mode.
  • Step 2: Create an OET online profile by registering or login to your existing account
  • Step 3: After logging in choose Apply for the test from your account dashboard, follow the prompts, and complete the OET test book from your online account.
  • Step 4: Make payment within 15 minutes to confirm your test booking for the selected date. You will receive a confirmation email after successful completion of the test booking. 

OET Test Results and Score Range

After the test, candidates can view or download the Statement of Results(SOR) from their online profile. The OET test scores are reported on a scale ranging from 0 to 500. There is also a letter grade equivalent to the numerical scores with A being the highest and E the lowest. The OET score range, corresponding grades, and fluency level are given in the table below for your reference.

OET Score Grade Fluency Level
450 to 500 A Ability to communicate fluently and effectively with other healthcare providers and patients.
Ability to understand any kind of written or spoken language in the healthcare setting.
350 to 440 B A good understanding of a range of clinical aspects and terminologies.
Ability to communicate effectively in healthcare settings with only minute inaccuracies and occasional hesitations.
300 to 340 C+ Can easily handle normal spoken language in their field of specialization. Occasional errors may occur.
200 to 290 C Can easily handle normal spoken language in their field of specialization. Occasional errors may occur.
100 to 190 D Ability to easily understand factual information in their field of study and interact with others in a healthcare setting. May have some strain on communication with some errors, inaccuracies, or misuse of language.
0 to 90 E Ability to handle simple day-to-day interactions.

OET Grades Clubbing

Some countries accept combined test scores of OET exams taken in a gap of six months. The scores obtained in two OET tests are clubbed together to get a final clubbed score. The clubbed OET scores will be accepted if they satisfy the following conditions:

  • You should have attended all 4 subtests in each sitting
  • None of the grades should fall below C+
  • You should obtain at least a C+ grade in the writing section and at least a grade B in all other sub-tests in either of the two sittings


The countries that currently accept OET score clubbing are Ireland, Australia, Spain, and the United Kingdom.

What is the passing score for OET exam?

The minimum score requirement for OET exams can vary depending on your profession, country, and recognizing boards or councils. However, most of the regulating boards accept a minimum score of 350. You should check and stay updated about the minimum score requirements needed for your profession and desired destination abroad.

OET and IELTS- A Comparison

Even though both OET and IELTS are English language proficiency tests, OET is designed specifically for healthcare professionals while IELTS tests the overall academic English proficiency. Both exams test your listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills. But, the topics covered and method of preparation are different. 

You will have to learn a much wider vocabulary for IELTS. The test mainly focuses on your ability to understand academic texts and lectures. It also tests your fluency to communicate effectively and engage in academic talks and discussions.

OET gives more emphasis on healthcare-related and profession-specific terminologies and language. It tests your ability to communicate in healthcare environments, read and understand medical texts, and journals, and engage in talks and discussions related to the medical field.

The content evaluated in listening, reading, writing, and speaking modules in both tests are different. For instance, in the IELTS writing module, you will be asked to write an essay on a general topic. Similarly in the speaking module, you will have a structured interview where you will speak about a given general topic. On the other hand, in the OET writing module, you will have to write a medical referral letter based on some case notes. In the speaking module, you will have to engage in healthcare profession-specific role plays. The IELTS and OET equivalent band scores are given below for your reference:

OET Grade Equivalent IELTS Band Score
A 8.0 to 9.0
B 7.0 to 7.5
C 6.5
C+ 5.5 to 6.0
D < 5.5
E < 5.5

Is OET easier than IELTS?

The IELTS exam is suitable for candidates looking to study, work, or migrate to English-speaking countries and it is a more generic English language test. The OET exam is for candidates opting for the medical field and is a healthcare-specific language test. However, when comparing the difficulty level professionals in the healthcare sector find OET easier than IELTS. This is because they can easily apply their healthcare knowledge, vocabulary, and experiences to excel in the test.

How To Prepare For OET Exam in 2025?

Even if you are confident in your current level of English fluency, it’s essential to take the time to prepare thoroughly to achieve high scores in the OET exam. You can opt for self-study or get trained from an OET coaching center near you. Candidates can utilize the free study materials and mock tests available on the internet. Sample OET tests are available on the official website too.

Top 10 Tips to Prepare for OET Examination in 2025

  1. Get a clear idea about the test format, content, and scoring before you actually start preparing for the exam
  2. Frame a regular study plan that fits your schedule
  3. Give equal importance and allocate time adequately to each subtest 
  4. Identify your weak area and work more on the same. For instance, if writing is your weak area, focus on OET writing tips by practicing more on writing tasks specific to the healthcare context.
  5. Time management is very important in the OET exam, Hence practice mock tests regularly and try to complete them on time
  6. Practice tests will also help you get comfortable with the exam format and question styles
  7. Build a strong foundation on medical terminologies related to your healthcare profession
  8. Do daily activities to improve your grammar, vocabulary, reading, and writing skills
  9. Practice reading healthcare-related articles daily and implement skimming and scanning techniques
  10. Prepare notes and revise them regularly to get thorough with the newly learned concepts or terms

OET Exam Centres in India

Considering the vast nature of India and the convenience of the health professionals, OET test centres are available in different parts across India. Owing to the high demand, the number of centres in Kerala is very high when compared to other states. Also, before getting into the list of the centres for the OET exam, you must know about the two modes of the exam.

OET Exam Centres - Paper - Kerala

The paper mode of the OET Exam is a traditional format that allows candidates to take the test using pen and paper. The paper-based test is conducted at designated test centres, providing a structured environment that simulates real-life healthcare scenarios.

OET Exam Centres - Paper - Other States

OET Exam Centres - Online

The computer mode of the OET Exam offers a flexible approach to testing, allowing candidates to take the exam on a computer. Candidates can attend the test at an authorized test centre or from the comfort of their home through the OET@Home program.

Ready to take your OET exam? Secure your spot at your preferred test centre today. Click the link below to book your test directly through the official OET website.

OET Score Calculator

The OET score calculator is a tool that helps candidates estimate their scores based on their performance in the test. With this you can bypass the complexities of calculating the scores the traditional way. Also, any updates in the method of score calculation, will also be reflected in the calculator. Candidates can get an estimated score and grade corresponding to it by entering the number of right answers in each section. This tool is useful for setting realistic expectations and planning further preparation strategies.

Concluding Takeaways

In this article, we have covered different aspects of the OET exam which will be helpful for aspiring healthcare professionals and students. The most important tip for success is to understand the exam format and prepare well. Self-study may not be suitable for all. Some candidates will require structured professional training to compete in the exam. In that case, you can join the best OET coaching center in Kerala like Breffni Academy for comprehensive and flexible OET training. Online and offline OET training with flexible time schedules are most preferred by healthcare professionals in Kerala. Enroll now and get the desired results in the upcoming OET exam!

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